It is a thousand to one but you 'll succeed . 你成功的机会只有千分之一,你几乎失败定了。
It s a thousand to one nothing comes of it 十有八九是不会有什么结果的。
It is a thousand to one but you ' ll succeed 你成功的机会只有千分之一 ,你几乎失败定了。
That if i once came into their power , i should run a hazard more than a thousand to one of being kill d , and perhaps of being eaten ; for i had heard that the people of the carribean coast were canibals , or man - eaters ; and i knew by the latitude that i could not be far off from that shore 而从纬度来看,我知道我目前所在的这个荒岛离加勒比海岸不会太远。再说,就算他们不是吃人的部族,他们也一定会把我杀掉。他们正是这样对待落到他们手里的欧洲人的,即使一二十个欧洲人成群结伙也难免厄运。
a thousand to oneとは意味:a thóusand to óne [副?形]((略式)) まず間違いのない,絶対に確実な[に] (用例 ?TEN to one ).